Avilés Airport Parking
Aviles, Asturias. Spain
Public space
First Prize in Competition
Architecture, urbanism, camouflage, green facade, sustainability

The Avilés airport car park was a project highly conditioned by the premises established by the regulations for this type of building.
The project was planned looking for the least possible visual pollution despite its large dimensions, given that the environment has a great landscape value. We wanted the building not to be seen from the air. We achieve this through a distribution of metal panels that on their upper face had the colors of the landscape. We distribute these colors by pixelating the environment and assigning a pixel to each panel.
It also proposes a vegetal skin that serves on the one hand as a filter that reduces CO2 emissions from vehicles and on the other to reduce the visual impact at the pedestrian level.
To reduce consumption and take advantage of natural ventilation, we open the basement through green slopes that connect it to the ground floor.
We won the first prize, but when it came to carrying out the basic project, Aena wanted to dispense with the plant elements, slopes and canopies, issues that we considered essential for the project, so we finally did not sign the contract.