"Alfapolis". Strategies for the city of the future.
Alfas del Pi, Alicante. Spain.
City of Alfas del Pi
Urban strategy
Architecture, urban planning, sustainability, city of the future.

This project was developed in Group 5 of the PH8 workshop organized by Grupo Aranea with architecture students and promoted by the Alicante City Council. We coordinate this group of students and together with them we had to imagine how a rural and urban fabric could be created in Alfas del Pí that would consolidate the city of the future Alfapolis .

Alfapolis will be built by rescuing the traditions of the place and integrating them into the contemporary scene. It will be a city that will grow little by little according to urban fertility maps. In this growth the integration of the different cultures and the different social levels of its inhabitants will be important, thus creating a heterogeneous and balanced fabric . With strategies such as atomized housing, we will reduce the cost of housing since it can be implemented throughout life as needed.

Group 05 Coordination
Manuel Álvarez -Monteserín, Beatriz Pachón, María Mallo
PH8 Coordination
Aranea Group
Students Group 05
Ana Carrascosa
John Arango
Juan Jose Martinez
Jorge Giacometti
Sea Añó
Ruben Alonso
They collaborated in the organization and coordination
Vicente Soler
City Council of Alfas del Pi
PH8 coordination team
Team: Ana Murtic, Lluis Bort + Ágata Alcaraz, Begoña Ruiz + Ana Cristina Díaz, Jose Alonso + Ramón Gómez + Carlos Cuenca + Pau Peretó + Elisa Cano + Ana Zazo + Marta Guillem + Jose Ramírez + Gonzalo Ruiz + Mar Aoaa + María José Herrero + Ángela Vera + Joaquín Cabrera + Inma Alonso + Víctor Manuel Zafra + Ana María Carreto + Paula Macone + Beatriz Segura + Elif Seçer + Imanol Serna + Borja Mancebo + Noelia Rebollo + Alejandro Ruiz Gómez + Andrés Llopis + Víctor Martín + Encar Martínez + Adri + Ana Saura + David Gisbert + Antonio Bueno + Aldo Cusumano + Rober San + Miguel Bermúdez + Ula Lipska + Lorena Valero + Fernando Alonso + Jorge Salguero + Blanca Lora-Tamayo + Paula Vilaplana + Juanjo Martínez + Ángela Lupiáñez + Rob Benson + Chirara Lionello + Yolanda castillo + Jaume Puchalt + Irene Solé + Egle Bazaraite + Luis Navarro + Manuel San + Fernando Navarro + Raymon Rodenas